Stickies – Digital Sticky Notes

These notes are really very productive and useful. You can create as many notes as you want. Stickies that you create always stay at the top of all the windows, but you can also send them back so that they are not an interruption for you. You can attach a sticky to a particular opened window or application so that Stickies are only visible when you are working on your desired application. You can also add an alarm with the note so that it can appear at your desired time and thus you can create a good reminder. You can also make a sticky sleep for some time so that it is not visible for the chosen time. After the time is completed, sticky would automatically wake up. All the stickies that you create are highly customizable as, you can change their background color, font color, font type and so on. You can even download readily made themes from the Stickies website. The software itself is highly customizable; you can just customize every inch of the software. Stickies can only be managed via the system tray. All the options are located in the menu strip in the system tray. To check the status of all the stickies you’ve created, you can simply click on ‘Manage Stickies’ option from the system tray or hit CTRL + M and you could see a window from where you can see all the stickies that you’ve create they are grouped into 6 categories that are: Desktop, Attached, Sleeping, Recurring, Closed and Stored. This is a perfect utility for those who usually forget important things and want a good solution to this problem. Click here to download Stickies. Also, take a look at these free Sticky Notes software.