Along with this message, you may also see accompanied, and error code 0x8007045D or 2147943517. These error codes represent ERROR_IO_DEVICE errors, which happen when there is a problem with the hard drive or disk from which you want to copy data. The error can also appear during a large Copy or Move operation.

System repair disc could not be created, Error Code 0x8007045D

If you face this error, here are a few suggestions you may want to try:

1] Troubleshoot in Clean Boot State

Start your Windows in Safe Mode. If this makes the problem go away and you are able to carry out your operation then it indicates that some third-party application may be interfering and causing the issue. Restart your computer in Clean Boot State and try to identify the offending item, and then disable or remove it. You may also carry out the failed operation in Clean Boot State and see if that works.

2] Disable your antivirus software

Disable your antivirus software temporarily and see if it makes the problem go away. Some security software are known to cause these issues sometimes.

3] Run ChkDsk

Check your hard disk for errors. To do so, open an elevated command prompt window, type the following and hit Enter: Here D is the drive label that is creating the problem. Replace this letter with your Drive’s letter. The /r ChkDsk command-line option identifies Bad Sectors and attempts recovery of information. You may be asked if you want to Dismount the volume. Click No or N. You will then be asked if want chkdsk to run when the system restarts next. Click Yes or Y. Restart your Windows PC and let the ChkDsk run. Once the run is completed, you will be taken to your desktop. See if this has made the problem go away.

4] Shrink your Volume a bit and see

If the backup or disc creation operation still fails and you receive error 0x8007045D, then you might have to resize and shrink your volume by a couple of MBs to move the last cluster of the volume to a different area and then run ChkDsk again. This is because chkdsk.exe is not able to check and repair the last cluster on any volume – and if it is this cluster that has gone bad, then your backup may even fail at 99%.

5] Try a different USB Port

If the error occurs during a Copy or Move operation, connect your external hard drive to a different USB port and try. Hope something helps. Unrelated reads:

Fix Windows Backup Error Code 0x8078012D, The backup operation failedDISKPART error, The request could not be performed because of an IO device error

System repair disc could not be created  Error Code 0x8007045D - 77System repair disc could not be created  Error Code 0x8007045D - 7