TACHYON Internet Security for Windows PC

TACHYON Internet Security for Windows PC uses a dual engine (nProtect developed engine Tachyon + BitDefender engine). The free Basic version offers the following: 1] Full Scan and Basic Scan

Performing a full scan is pretty simple as it should be. If you can kick start a full scan elsewhere, then you should have little issues doing the same here. Simply click on the Full Scan section, then select where you want the scan to commence. Finally, hit the button that says Start and you’re good to go. When it comes down to running a Basic Scan, then, just click on the right section, and it’ll automatically kick start the scan. All you need to do at this point is just sit back and wait for it to complete and you’re good to tango. 2] PC Management

OK, so when it comes down to the PC Management feature, it is exactly what you think. Users of the TACHYON Internet Security can take advantage of this feature to improve their computer’s performance in more ways than one. If you want to remove temporary system files, empty the recycle bin, among other things, then this is the option to use. Bear in mind that standalone tools will do a better job, but this right here is good enough for most cases. 3] Settings

The settings section, then, brings to the table several key options that will allow the user to determine how TACHYON Internet Security operates. For example, when using real-time scanning feature, users can set this to High, which means, it’ll do more and use more system resources. Additionally, the program can be set to automatically perform a scan whenever malware is detected. We also like the option to have the program scan a USB drive automatically once it’s plugged into the computer. It’s nothing unique, but a nice little touch nonetheless. In terms of alerts, these can be a bother at certain times. If you’re playing a video game or watching a movie in full-screen, certainly you wouldn’t want to have alerts popping up and spoiling your fun. The best thing to do is to get rid of the alerts, and guess what? TACHYON Internet Security makes that possible. There’s more to the Alert Settings than what we pointed out here, so feel free to check it out for yourself. There’s a lot more to the Settings area, so to learn more, please take the time out to explore in a bid to gain more information on the entire thing. If you would like to check it out, you can download TACHYON Internet Security directly from the official website. The Basic verson is free.